Josephson Bifurcation Amplifier for Quantum Measurements Yale In cond-mat 0507248, Devoret et al. construct a new type of amplifier for superconducting qubit readout based on the transition of an rf driven Josephson junction between two distinct oscillation states near a dynamic bifurcation point: "The main advantages of this new amplifier are speed, high-sensitivity, low back-action, and the absence of on-chip dissipation. Using pulsed microwave techniques, we demonstrate bifurcation amplification in nanofabricated Al junctions and verify that the performance predicted by theory is attained."

Flux-Qubit Readout with Frequency Dependent Damping Berkeley, München "Recent experiments on superconducting flux qubits, consisting of a superconducting loop interrupted by Josephson junctions, have demonstrated quantum coherence between two different quantum states. The state of the qubit is measured with a superconducting quantum interference device. Such measurements require the SQUID to have high resolution while exerting minimal backaction on the qubit." In Phys. Rev. B 72, 024513 , Plourde, Wilhelm et al. employ a path-integral approach to analyze the Caldeira-Leggett model, calculating backaction of a shunted symmetric SQUID on a flux qubit. "To test the model, we fabricated a dc SQUID in which each junction is shunted with a thin-film interdigitated capacitor in series with a resistor, and measured the switching distribution as a function of temperature and applied magnetic flux. After accounting for the damping due to the SQUID leads, we found good agreement between the measured escape rates and the predictions of our model. "

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